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Home is the center of daily life for most people. It’s where you eat, sleep, play, and for many people, work. We have kitchens optimized for cooking, open concept designs for entertaining, and even home offices for working. However, most homes don’t have meditation rooms or zen dens for relaxing. Thankfully, creating a relaxing environment for your personal safe space can be done by following a few small tips.

Clear the clutter

A hectic physical space leads to a hectic mental space. In fact, studies have shown that seeing clutter drains cognitive resources. There are long-term benefits to finding a proper place for everything, but even a quick out-of-sight, out-of-mind clutter clean-up will bring a bit of peace.

Choose calming colors

A personal sanctuary should be filled with colors and textures that feel best to you. Cool colors like blues, greens, and purples are known to have a calming effect, making them a great option for paint or décor while crafting your soothing atmosphere.

Remember the good times

Crafting a home that’s ideal for relaxing means having a home that looks good and makes you feel good. While experts say nature-themed art can be helpful for relaxation, especially in home offices, personal photos can have even more positive, psychological effects. Scientists have found that looking at photos of happy memories, such as vacations, can boost your brain’s serotonin levels.

Liven up a bit

Adding a bit of nature to your home is one of the fastest and easiest ways to create a relaxing atmosphere. Potted plants, succulents, or floral bouquets are often all that you need to bring a breath of fresh air to any space.

Consider the senses

When it comes to creating a personal safe space in your home, don’t just stop at the visual elements. Instead, take each sense into consideration. Choose fabrics and materials that feel cozy to the touch. Find a fragrance that makes you feel warm or brings up nice memories. Select window treatments that minimize outside noise. Paying attention to sensory details is the key to creating a truly relaxing space.

Ready to get started on creating your perfectly peaceful home? Check out our Inspiration Gallery for beautiful ideas from some of our favorite partners and make sure to check out past episodes of My Southern Home!