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Sundance Blog

Rainy weather often makes it difficult for homeowners to enjoy the beautiful, outdoor spaces that are so popular in Middle Tennessee. While many homeowners have had to make the choice between enjoying the sun or hiding from the rain when the weather turns, Kimberly Greenwell of My Southern Home was invited into one home with an innovative solution.


Robin and her husband, local homeowners in Middle Tennessee, wanted to execute an outdoor remodeling project to improve the functionality and look of their outdoor space, while also creating shelter from the rain. While a traditional, permanent covering was one of the first options the couple considered, Robin, a sun-lover, wasn’t thrilled with the idea of having a completely shaded space all of the time.


It was during this process that the homeowners began researching Sundance Louvered Roof Systems. These structures allow for the best of both worlds, with a slatted pergola look that allows sunshine in during dry weather and closes automatically when the structure senses rain. The openings can also be closed at the touch of a button, allowing for shade during extra sunny days.


For the homeowners, this was an ideal solution. Previously, Robin and her husband needed to be vigilant to bring in patio furniture cushions at the first whiff of precipitation. However, the new Sundance system ensured protected cushions, furniture, and belongings as long as they were placed below the roofline — even if no one was home.


While the couple originally set out to increase the appeal of their outdoor space, Robin mentioned how the area has since taken on new life. The roof even provides enough sun protection to allow her to bring her laptop outside to work. In addition to having the mechanically-closing top, the Sundance Louvered Roof System can also include additional lighting and a ceiling fan to help improve ventilation on sticky summer nights with lighting to create a seductive ambiance.


Homeowners looking for the perfect balance of sun and shade, mixed with exceptional quality and style, need to check out the Sundance Louvered Roof System — made right here in Nashville, Tennessee. Check out photos from other Sundance projects, and make sure to tune into the next episode of My Southern Home for more, great remodeling and home design ideas!