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Four sure-fire ways to keep your lawn healthy and green during autumn.

As summer comes to a close, autumn is right around the corner, bringing cool temperatures and refuge from the sun’s hot rays. While you may appreciate the change of season, your lawn is sensitive to the sudden shift. Keep your lawn alive with these four fall yard maintenance tips. 

Water as Needed 

Even though the sun is not beaming down hot in the fall, drying up your lawn, watering is still necessary. Rainfall and moisture in the air will keep your grass moist, but only up to a certain point, and it may not be enough to keep the grass roots alive. Use a rain gauge in your yard, and if you get less than one inch per week, water the lawn yourself. 

Rake Away Debris 

In the autumn, leaves fall on the ground aplenty. No doubt your lawn will see piles of beautiful leaves turned brown in no time, blocking the grass beneath from receiving the sunlight it needs to make food. Rake away leaves and fallen debris to ensure your lawn can make food and to ensure no fungi or soggy spots create a blotchy lawn. 


In the fall, fertilizing your lawn is important to keep your grass healthy and green. Grass does not produce the same levels of nitrogen as it does during the spring, and nitrogen is what protects the roots from freezing and, thus, dying. It also gives grass roots their energy to bounce back in the spring

Spread Grass Seed 

Try spreading grass seed to fill in thinning spots and introduce resilient grass roots into your lawn. Autumn is one of the best times of year to overseed your yard. Why? The ground still retains some of its warmth from the summer, and conditions are still optimal for the seeds to germinate: just enough moisture and cool (but not cold) nights. 


With the right fall lawn care maintenance, you can prepare your yard for winter and keep it alive, healthy, and flourishing when spring rolls around.